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Experience Transparent Preschool Tuition Rates

Choosing the right preschool for your child is about creating a foundation and love of learning that extends a lifetime. However, one of the most crucial considerations for parents is tuition rates. At University Station Academy of Davie, we’ve broken down our tuition costs based on age group and program type to make the enrollment decision as transparent and simple as possible. If you have any questions about our tuition rates or costs, please feel free to contact us to learn more.


Invest in Your Child’s Development and Growth

Your child’s preschool years are a critical time for development. They are making sense of the world around them and developing skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives. Children who attend a high-quality preschool are better prepared as they enter kindergarten, grade school, high school, and beyond. Investing in your child’s education today can help create a pathway to lifelong success.

Tuition Rates

At University Station Academy of Davie, we hold ourselves to the highest possible standard, which is why we are consistently rated as one of the top preschools in Davie, FL. We offer small group sizes led by highly driven and experienced teachers with the resources to help your child excel. We follow a carefully crafted curriculum to ensure your child meets their milestones. Find our tuition fees below:

  • Five Full Days – $295.00
One Year Olds
  • Five Full Days - $255.00
  • Three Full Days or Five Half Days (8:00 am – 12:00 pm) – $210.00
Two Year Olds
  • Five Full Days - $240.00
  • Three Full Days or Five Half Days (8:00 am – 12:00 pm) – $205.00
Three, Four, and Five Year Olds
  • Five Full Days - $235.00
  • Three Full Days or Five Half Days (8:00 am – 12:00 pm) – $200
Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK)
  • VPK ONLY 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (FREE)
  • Part-Time Extended Care $105.00 (12:00 pm – 3:30 pm)
  • Full-Time Extended Care $140.00 (6:30 am – 6:00 pm)
  • VPK No School Days $40.00 per day
After School Care
  • Five days – $100.00
  • No School Day – $60.00
  • Early Release Day – $30.00
Drop-In Care
  • $60.00
Annual Registration Fee (Non-Refundable)
  • $150.00 per Child / $200.00 per Two or More Children
  • We Offer a 10% Family Discount
Late Pick Up
  • $1.00 per minute for the First Five Minutes
  • $5.00 per minute After Five Minutes

Are You Ready to Invest in Your Child’s Future Today?

Since 1998, University Station Academy of Davie has been committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities for students throughout Davie, FL and the surrounding communities. Your child’s birthday and program placement determine their tuition rate. Once enrolled, you will receive a tuition schedule. Tuition is due in advance for the following month. We make it easy to pay your bill by accepting cash, check, or online payment. If you have any questions about tuition, please get in touch with our team. We’ll be happy to answer them for you.

Enroll Today